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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2012

Shipping Out Presents

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Well, finally Monday is here and I get to head out to the Post Office in just a bit to ship out all these boxes of cookies for the family down in Albany. A lot of cookies that I hope arrive safe and sound. Bad thing about shipping cookies - you basically have to pray every time you ship them out and hope for a small miracle. Thankfully the Christmas ones all arrives safe and sound and were not powder by the time they arrived. I can only hope that I will have as good of fortune with this set. They are all packed in sealed plastic bags, tucked in paper bags, then nestled with packing material in a gift box for each. The gift boxes are all tucked tightly into a larger box with even more packing material. I really hope it is enough. If things were more financially stable right now I would probably tuck them in another box with even more padding and do it overnight Fed Ex. Oh well, next time. You know, when I am a big cookie star! LOL Anywho, one set was left out the other day when I was po

Mother's Day

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Mother's Day is quickly approaching and I could not send a care package down to Albany for all the April/May birthdays without sending one for Mother's Day to Ma. Now, I had already posted one set of cookies that I did for Mother's Day. Those didn't go to any mother. In fact my kids devoured them not too long after I had finished taking pictures. Thankfully I took pictures of these and then boxed them up quick to make sure the kiddos didn't get their grubby little paws on them. (I swear they are like locusts when they smell cookies in the house.) Anywho, here we go. Vintage Rose Mother's Day Cookies.

Wedding Cookies

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Sadly, about a year ago, I missed out on a very important date, my baby sister getting married. We had just moved out to Washington and the wedding was in south Georgia. Needless to say there was slim chance to make it out there. Well, I wanted to be able to give her the wedding gift I couldn't before and it turns out I couldn't have before the wedding anyways. You see, it all goes back to the cookie and this time I went a step further. I decided to give her a wedding album of cookies. Each cookie is a Dark Chocolate and covered in Vanilla Almond Royal Icing. The images of the couple are edible and can be enjoyed both visually and by your tastebuds. Happy Late Anniversary Sis! I hope you like!

Southern Gentleman

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And here we are, at number 3 for today. I know, but hey, there are a lot and I honestly don't want the niftyness of one to get lost in a mass publication on one post. So this is better. This is one geared towards the Southern Gentleman, my step dad. You see, he actually lives on one of those story book plantations, takes care of it. Had raised pointer dogs for probably a life time. So, what better way to say Happy Birthday (Belated as it might be) than to include him on the shipment down to Albany (Al-Bany) with some nifty vintage style cookies of his own?

Mommy, I want a Pony!

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Every girl at one point in her life, or so I am told, asks for a pony. It is an on going joke in most movies and TV shows when you have that little girl. "Mommy! I want a pony!!!" Well, it isn't too far from the truth. You see one of my sisters is into horses. In fact most of the pictures I see of her is when she is out riding. So, trying to figure out what to do for her birthday, and you know I must do cookies, I figured - WTH - Horse Cookies! Granted I didn't want to ship cross country horse shaped cookies. Those would be destroyed by the time I got them there. So I opted for Vintage Style Edible Image Horse Cookies. I hope she enjoys them. (If not, tough cookies! :P)

Deer Season

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Well, not exactly but hey! Got your attention didn't I? :P Anywho, as you will see there are going to be a rash of quick posts today and all because I want to showcase various themes of cookies I am doing to send down to my family in Albany this month. Mothers Day is coming up, so have to ship some down to Ma. And you see April/May is the big birthday months for us. Mine, The Hubbies, Baby Jack, one of my sisters - Mags, my step pappy & daddy.  As well as my Brother in Law Jon Boy (He is going to kill me for that most likely. Doesn't help my sister recently bought him a gun for their anniversary.) He hunts, it's the south, so what better cookies to send down too him than some that will make him look even more forward to Deer Season? So, here we are - The Deer Season Cookies

It's My Birthday

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And I hate it! It is no small secrete that I hate birthdays. Well I hate mine, I love everyone else's. And it doesn't have to do with aging. Speaking frankly I like growing older and am looking forward to days of wrinkles, snow white hair and senility. My dream is to grow up to be Dorthy Spornack, that or Sophia Petrillo. Either way. I will be a Golden Girl and embrace it. I just hate birthdays because they usually turn out bad. Dinner goes wrong, something gets ruined. It is just usually one big mess. This year didn't start any different. Not 5 minutes into the day and I was already over the washer scrubbing out a stain from a shirt. So, already preparing myself for another humdinger of the worst day of the year. Hey, if you know the hurricane is coming, you get the hell out of dodge, you don't sit by and wait for it to take you. So, when it was before 7 AM on a Saturday and people from the East Coast were waking me up with Happy Birthday Texts, I just grumbled and rol

Surprising Finds

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Coca Cola Glass Whether they are big time business like Hallmark or your local Goodwill, you would be amazed what you can find in them! And then there are the local shops owned by your own neighbors - Craft stores and consignment shops. Where ever you look you are sure to find something amazing in them and at a price that is just as amazing. Cupcake Dish The combination of starting a new business and the hubby between gigs makes things tight around here. Having three kids makes them suffocating at times. lol But you have to keep trudging on and astonishingly it really brings out your creativeness as well as your resourcefulness. (Like this old card box I got in clearance at Hallmark I am using as packaging for cookies!) Snow Flake Potter There is just something about a woman, and some men, to get that steal of a deal. When you combine it with an amazing idea that pops into your head it makes it even better. Now, couple that with knowing you just helped a local friend and/or family with

Quick Update

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Well, thanks to a few things coming through I am now dabbling in the edible images department. I started out by ordering a few and now am printing my own. YAY! I love it! For many it would be a quick and easy way to add zest, and for me it is as well, but more than that. Now I can take all those digital art works I create and make them even better by making them sweet!!!! Oh I cannot wait! Birthdays are huge in the months of April and May for my family down in Albany, and not to mention mothers day. So I will be diving head deep into some fun stuff this week and shipping is down to them! So, be on the look out! "Cherish" is just the first of many!
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I "<3" Mom. That is what we all say come Mother's Day. The one day of the year where people are pretty much forced to stop everything they are doing and do everything mom does every day, or at least that is what I think it should be. LOL You know, Mom's Day Off. (What ever that is.) What usually ends up happening is Dad yells at the kids the last minute to go make mom a card on paper real fast or prayers that the teachers had the kids make a macaroni heart in art class. Then everyone piles in the car and heads out to dinner, which always tends to be a more crowded night than Prom and V-Day Combined. That or you hit the Brunch and well that is a disaster. Why not this year do something else. Mom likes cookies! Yes she does! Mom loves cookies. You think she makes all those treats for you all year long? Oh forget that, she makes them so she can "taste" them to make sure they are "okay" for her family. In other words, she makes them because she want


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And all that the Lorax left here in this mess was s small pile of rocks, with one word...."Unless."  - Dr. Seuss Words that have been etched in the minds of so many over the years. How many of us sat in class as children and had The Lorax read to us? How many times did we catch the cartoon special on Saturday Mornings? And you know you teared up every last time that the Lorax lifted himself by the seat of his pants. Well Earth Day is here and what better Mascot for a group of 1st graders than the Lorax himself? Another one couldn't be found. So, taking the spirit of the Lorax with me, along with happy thoughts of Barbaloots, Humming-Fish & Swomee-Swans and decided to create a cake for them. Don't worry, I didn't forget our villain, The Once-Ler, but as you read the book or think back to the story, was he a villain? Or was he just like so many of us that just don't listen to reason until it is too late. Now, he sits up in his home where the grickle-grass gr