Deer Season

Well, not exactly but hey! Got your attention didn't I? :P Anywho, as you will see there are going to be a rash of quick posts today and all because I want to showcase various themes of cookies I am doing to send down to my family in Albany this month. Mothers Day is coming up, so have to ship some down to Ma. And you see April/May is the big birthday months for us. Mine, The Hubbies, Baby Jack, one of my sisters - Mags, my step pappy & daddy.

 As well as my Brother in Law Jon Boy (He is going to kill me for that most likely. Doesn't help my sister recently bought him a gun for their anniversary.) He hunts, it's the south, so what better cookies to send down too him than some that will make him look even more forward to Deer Season?

So, here we are - The Deer Season Cookies

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