Hello Kitty!

When I was younger, much younger, I spent a lot of time with my Grandmother in East Cobb Marietta. Well grandmothers being grandmothers, she saw it fit to spoil me rotten every chance she got. That wasn't too hard in that neck of the woods. Everything was available, including toys from Japan.

You see, even back then I was into things that were not mainstream in the US as of yet. Hello Kitty and Badtz Maru were two of those. Back when I was a youngster, you whipper snappers, Japanese toys were not easy to find and there was no Ebay or Amazon to order from. (Yes, I just dated myself. LOL)

I was lucky though, there was one store near us that was a kids dream if you were into that type of thing. Sanrio Surprises! (Right next to the Great American Cookie Company and this was no mall people, an actually full store.) I loved going to Sanrio anytime I could. From the candy to the toys it was like a taking a trip right over to Tokyo as far as I was concerned. Five, six years old and I was standing next to all this primary color glory. It was wonderful.

Needless to say that love for Japanese toys and art was something I never really grew out of. (Heck I was collecting Pikachu toys in my 20's more fervently than my kids.) So when I saw Hello Kitty Cookie cutter I must have reminded my husband of the kids begging for toys - Can I please, please please order it! Please!!!!!! ~whines like a kid in a candy store~

So here they are in all their cute glory....Hello Kitty! And of course in honor of the man who had to listen to my whine like a two year old and then agree for me to get them, the hubby I had to do a special one for him that no one else could touch. Chef Kitty! (Even looks a tad ticked off, just like every chef I have ever met in the kitchen. :P )

And there we have it! Hello Kitty! Trust me I will be doing more from Sanrio now that I have my Japanese Cookies going on. hehe!


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