Hubby Home, It's Baking Time!

Well my hubby is finally home after being gone nearly 2 months. He spent all this time working at a temp position to help keep our family afloat after his position was removed from the company. Lay offs suck. Especially when you moved cross country for a position that was supposed to last at least 2 years and ended up lasting only 10 months. O.o Can't exactly blame the company on that one but still, to spend all that money to move us, train in and such. Then to put him in a temp position and he do the job above and beyond only to lay him off seems like a big waste of company funds. ~shrugs~ Anywho, kids missed him, I missed him. We spoke every day but it just isn't enough. Needless to say it sucked but you know what? Doesn't matter anymore. He is home safe and sound and in the end that is all that matters.

Him coming home marked an upswing for baking in this house, lol. Come on. This is a home for food. He's a Chef, I'm a baker. He comes home after two months being away, how else am I going to greet him? A card? Bwhahaha! Heck no! Personal cookies and goodies! I spent days cooking and baking to welcome the man home.

Special stuff! I couldn't just make some typical stuff since we missed being together for a time and in the time we even missed Valentine's Day. Granted that isn't a big day in this home but when you are apart it seems to become a little more important than usual.

So I made everything from a hand tied Trinity Knot Cookie to hand cut Chefs coats, hats and knives. It was really fun to see what all I could come up with to make for him. Granted I did so some simpler things but still good, his favorite - Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies.

Took that one a step further though and decided to make my first Cookie Cake. It was fun to make, even did a wonderful buttercream to decorate it with. Was very yummy! Think the new Buttercream is going to become my go to recipe for everything like that now. It just did so well, no separation and dried well. Very happy but that is actually another story.

Anywho, had to make up some for not being together for Valentine's Day and for us, well we are Geeks. So, how could I not go and do some very geeky cookies for him? G33K hearts, an 8 Bit 3 foot tall red mage made out of over 200 mini cookies and even the Pac family got into the mix!

And of course, being raise in Ga, I had to make him something very close to most any southerns heart. No, not red velvet, not this time. Pecan Pie!

And I promised a friend to post the recipe. This is very easy and quick! Enjoy!

  • 1 Cup Packed Light Brown Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 4 Tablespoon Salt Butter, melted
  • 2 Large Eggs, room temp
  • 1.5 Tablespoon All Purpose Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon Milk
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 2 Cups Chopped Pecans
  • Pecan Halves For Decoration
  • 1 Nine Inch Deep Pie Shell, uncooked, ready for baking
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
  2. In a large bowl, beat your eggs until foamy.
  3. Slowly add in the melted butter a little at a time.
  4. Mix until combined.
  5. Sift together flour and sugars before incorporating into the egg mix. 
  6. Add in milk and vanilla, mix until combined.
  7. Fold in the chopped pecans.
  8. Pour into the ready pie crust.
  9. Decorate the top with your pecan halves anyway you wish. 
  10. Pop into the oven and bake for 15 minutes.
  11. Lower the temp to 300 and bake another 45-60 minutes or until cooked. If edges start to brown too much, just cover the edges with tinfoil. 
  12. Remove and allow to cool fully on a wire rack.
  13. Serve at room temp and enjoy!

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