
Well today was a long day and it still isn't over yet. I am taking a small time out from things to get some much needed rest. I think yesterday I went beyond the limit for me and now am paying the price. Wish the hubby was able to be home today but sadly he has to do the 9 to 5 thing. Or 7. Or 9. Whenever. Being married to a chef means never knowing when he will be home from work.

Anywho. Even though I took the day "off," it was still a busy day. School meetings about the kids, the yearly thing, hubby catering 3 events today and trying to get all the Halloween stuff picked up and put away. Not to mention starting planning for Thanksgiving and a cake I am doing for a an upcoming birthday party. Very excited about that but gonna have to wait at least a few days before I start anything.

On a huge up note, I posted about the It's Okay To Be Takei  cookies on the actual movements Facebook page and they went and posted about them to all their followers! So awesome! That just really made my day and sorry if it sounds bad but it made me feel FABULOUS!

But on that note, just gonna leave you with one quick cookie I did with some of the spares from this weekend. One of my favorite games growing up was Bubble Bobble, so here is Bob! Enjoy the little cutie! Tomorrow for grins and giggles I will show you something a little more feminine.

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