New Look, New Cookie

As you may be able to tell there has been a slight change in the look of the blog. Okay there has been a huge change! And I love it! Anyone that knows me knows that I don't like to leave anything as a default layout. So, since I opted to take some time for me today instead of working on nine million other things this is what happened. I got creative!

Still not totally happy with the layout but never really worked in blogger before, so having to get used to their layout options. Probably going to end up changing it again but the big thing that is most likely to stick around is my new logo I just got done designing! ~does a dance~ I love it!  A few brushes, some alterations and bam. New logo. (Forgot where the original brushes came from but will put in credit when I find.)

Background is not mine, got that from another layout and imported it, that will be temp and it is from Cake Recipes. Working on something a tad different. Wanting a different color set up but for now this will work.

And why this logo? I was scribbling around in my notebook working on cookie designs and came up with it. It fit too perfectly that I made a cookie out of it and that turned into the logo. Wanna see the cookie? Of course you do!

YAY! Actual Surreal Confection cookies! Hehe, yeah I am that easy to make giddy. Anywho, back off again.

P.S. I told you I would be back with something more feminine.

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