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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2012

The Wonderful World Of Cheesecake

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Cheesecake, you wonderful heavenly gift that has put more inches on women than chocolate and ice cream combined. A must for any "Golden Girl" and my down right favorite dessert. New York Style, With Strawberries, chocolate, turtle, you name it. It doesn't matter. It is an addiction I don't ever plan on giving up. Sad thing is with any addiction comes the down side and I am not talking inches on the waist. I am talking making them. They are a pain! I have pulled my hair out more times trying to get a cheesecake right than I have trying to keep a soufflé from falling in a house full of kids. I swear I have read every tip and trick out there and some work, some don't and a lot need repeating. So here I am, repeating the tips and tricks I have learned and been taught over the years.  These are what work for me. 1. Have a good recipe. If you are just starting I honestly recommend the one from Philadelphia Cream Cheese.  It is a good start. 2. High quality ingredients.