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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2012

It's A Red Red Wedding

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Okay, I have been wanting to do a cookie like this for sometime but I didn't want to even attempt it until I had perfected my Red Velvet Sugar Cookie Recipe. Finally managed to pull that off recently so I felt ready to try this. I am over the moon happy with the results and am now offering it on Etsy. I think it is just too cute!!!!!

Pumpkin Patch!

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Can you tell I already have Halloween Fever? Yeah, don't expect this to let up anytime soon. We already have 4 large pumpkins perfect for carving sitting in my living room right now. So what better way to keep it going than Pumpkin Cookies! Simple little design that was rather fun to do. Figured these will be perfect for the kids classmates this Halloween. Probably going to end up handing these out to Trick Or Treaters. ^_^

One Black Night

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Yeah, as you can tell I have Halloween on the Brain! These cookies re more for those that want minimal icing on their cookie. So instead of giving the cookies a base of royal icing I just dyed the dough. It came out as a beautifully rich black that when paired with the white icing came out so much better than I thought it would. If you like these you can pick them up at my Etsy Store.

Available On Etsy

Okay, well I finally did it. I opened a shop on Etsy and let me say...I am nervous as all get out! Maybe I shouldn't be, maybe I should be. I don't know. I just know it took a lot of deep breathes this morning to click - Open.  ~is actually shaking slightly~ It is kind of scary. I have been doing this for a couple of years. Making cakes and such for friends and family, even had some wonderful paying customers, lol. Yet it is different when you throw yourself and all your creations out on the wind and hope someone catches them. You open yourself up for a lot, both good and bad. Thankfully I have had a lot of support from all around me. Friends I have known for decades pushing me to open, family asking when they can order and a hubby behind me the whole time going telling me, "You can do this, you have the talent, just go for it." Okay, I am going to stop rambling now because I don't know what else to say. Well I do but too much is going through my head too fast to

Red Velvet Cake Recipe

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Alright, I may have been born up north but I was raised in the south and there is no woman that can say she is a cook in the south and not be able to make a Red Velvet Cake, known as an RVC. It is just that simple. Like knowing how to make sweet tea or fried chicken, RVC is a must to know for any true Southern Woman. ^_~ Granted, not every woman in the wold knows how to make a RVC, which is sad. You should. So, I'm going to give you a personal recipe from my private stash. Now, before I begin I am going to send you somewhere. Go here - Red Velvet Love . This is a little post I made a while ago on what makes a RVC. Why? Because this cake is a love affair. Either you are going to love it or you will hate it. If you love it, you will fight for it, defend it and let people know exactly why it is the Queen Of Cakes, hehe. (I have a bit of passion for this if you couldn't tell.) So, let us get started. This recipe is from my book - Surreal Fare  (Shameless Plug here, you can pick it