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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2012

Take Two Of Takei

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A while ago I did a set of cookies in homage of the " It's Okay To Be Takei " Movement, as well as Sulu himself. My first " It's Okay To Be Takei " Cookies. What can I say, I am a geeky girl. Well, recently there has been a certain company that has come out against the LGTB community as a whole. Many are standing up with them, many are standing up against them. Considering that one of my favorite people in the world is George Takei, I bet you can tell what stance I have and there for Surreal Confections has. That's right, we are fabulous here at SC, OH MY! In honor of this love for all humans, no matter what their sexual preference might be, I would love to introduce you to take 2 of Takei! I think that about says it all. You can find more images and some other information at Surreal Confections Facebook Make your own by visiting here - Rainbow Cake: A How To Find this and more on my Deviant Art Posting -  Takei Take Two

Cake For Two

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Yesterday my husband had to make a long trek via Greyhound to Seattle and back for a job interview. Being the foodie wife that I am I couldn't bear to think of him having to endure gas station fare of fast food for the day. Sorry, if I don't have to eat it, I am so not gonna. (Don't get me wrong I do enjoy eating out I am just a food snob now. LOL) So what do I do? I pack him up with a sack lunch fit for a foodie. Homemade preserves and English muffins, Peanut butter and Honey sandwiches on fresh back breads, dried meats and fresh fruits. You know, the standard fare, hehe. Well sitting at home with 3 kids running around me and wondering how the interview went I start wanting to do something. (I was bored, lol.) Didn't exactly come up with anything other than trying to find something to do. That was until I got the call letting me know the interview went well and he was on his way back. YAY! (Still don't know if he got the job yet, we hope to find out in the next cou

Daily Deviation

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Very happy to announce that this past week Surreal Confections received it's first award! A Daily Deviation on the artists website Deviant Art ! And what for? Cookie Mario World !!!! I cannot believe it!!! Go check it out! Cookie Mario World on Deviant Art  <---Click Here A huge thanks goes out to both DameOdessa  for suggesting it and Talty for featuring it over on Deviant Art. Thank you both so much!!!! Want to see more foodart? Stop over to Deviant Art and enjoy!

Sweetly Approved!

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As you can tell from my last post I am starting something new and that is writing about recipes I have tested in my own personal kitchen. I am going to start awarding websites, facebook pages, blogs, etc. with little images for recipes I have tested letting them know I love what they do! Might not be much, might be silly but I don't care. So, from now, if you see the following anywhere, you know I have tested the recipe in my kitchen, I loved it, my family loved it and it is now on the recipe rotation in our home. Just a way to let you know that I won't recommend any recipe that isn't good enough for my own family. ^_^ And don't forget you can follow these and more on my pinterest board of Tested Recipes! -  https://pinterest.com/jenng79/tested-recipes/

National Ice Cream Day

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Well apparently it is National Ice Cream Day here in the US of A and why not? Middle of summer, we are going through a heat wave from hell from coast to coast. I mean, seriously, I am in Washington State currently and I am dealing with 105+ temps....NOT NATURAL! But what better time than to celebrate Ice Cream? Honestly I cannot think of one but hey then comes the flip side. I don't want to make ice cream anything right now. Problem with being an artist on some level. If you aren't in the mood it ain't gonna happen. So sat and tried to figure out something to do that was ice cream related even if not ice cream itself and then it hit me! Baked goods! Yeah, yeah, I was just whining about a heave way and now I am going to bake. heck yeah! Why god gave us the wonderful AC! So yesterday I went and popped out 2 ice cream inspired treats. Butter Pecan Cake as well as a Peanut Caramel Cupcake done to look like little sundaes. ^_^ Now, If you want to try the Butter Pecan Cake, you r

Happy Independence Day!

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From my family to yours, have a happy and safe 4th of July! And a Special Thanks to all our Armed Forces: Past, Present and Future! Some simple 4th of July ideas. Rice Crispy Treats & Airheads make a quick and easy platform to make flags, a Captain America shield or even Wonder Woman! Dip some strawberries in chocolate and top with Blueberries! Or an old favorite, blueberry & Strawberry jell-o layer perfectly and topped with whip cream for that cool treat on this hot summer day!

Angry Birds Birthday!

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Well, it is the day after a very long birthday extravaganza. Started at 6 Am yesterday and wasn't finished until around 9 Pm last night. (Granted that is not counting prep time the whole week before or clean up afterwards, lol.) 4th of July is tomorrow, so I gotta run and do prep everything for tomorrow, thankfully it isn't too much but the stores will be packed today. So will leave you with lots of nifty pictures! All done by Surreal Confections & Surreal Dream Designs. ^_^ (Balloons of course are by Chef Jason of Cynical Cuisine ) Hand Cut and Decorated Angry Birds Cookies Angry Birds Beak Cookie Pops Dark Chocolate 3 Tier Cake Fondant Figures, Buttercream Frosting Birthday Badge By Surreal Dream Designs The Full Spread Another Closeup Of The Cake